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March so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
Total Entries: 19928
This Months Entries: 19
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squiz (12 entries)
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Member Details Session Description
Toys Used
Owner: squiz

Member#: 6644
Registered: 27-05-2007
Diary Entries: 3152

14th July 2021
Windsurfing: Bradfield
Wind Direction: NW
Wind Stength: 10/20
Surf / Sea State: river chop
Air Temperature: 18
Sea Temperature:
Weather: Mainly cloudy
Max Speed: 20.39 (knots - unless stated otherwise)
Distance Covered: 44.25 mile (Nautical Miles - unless stated otherwise)

Wednesday 14th July- Windsurf **** - River Stour at Bradfield – mainly cloudy.

Fin – 20.39 knot max, 17.93 knot ave., 9.41 knot hour, 15.18 knot mile, 71.14 km.,7.45 knot alpha.

Fanatic Cat with Tushingham Lightning 8.5m and 39 fin.

Having a crap time of late what with poor old Mag suffering with a bad back and some arsehole taking pot shots at my son’s partners pigeons in their back garden with an air rifle I was keen to get away from it all for some quiet time on the water so headed over to the River Stour early for a longboard cruise. The journey had its problems with a car broken down on the hill nearing the Brantham Bull causing a bit of a jam and then with the level crossing barrier not working at Manningtree meaning lorries were stuck, I just made it through before it got completely blocked and then two cars had hit each other under the bridge! Arrived at Bradfield just before eleven with even the catamaran to the right high and dry but you can get out much earlier on the fin than a foil so had plenty of water. Took the longboard to the beach and then rigged my 8.5 as it was gusting to 20 mph and as it was overcast, I went for my full suit as I was going to be away for a while. Taking the usual spares plus a drink and snack I set off down the river towards Wrabness, sadly with the wind from the NW not the best direction here as it is very gusty. Still, I had some nice fast reaches as I Chris crossed my way down to the oil refinery at Parkstone quay. I did hit the bottom at Wrabness and then sailed all the way across the river not planing and discovered a large lump of weed on my fin holding me back! I was going fast across the way near the refinery when I did hit a shingle bar very hard with the boom putting a big hole in the front of my board, still no worries it’s a very old board and I am not so keen on the large volume Fanatic cat much preferring the 250 lt. version! With the wind going patchy as I approached Shotley I went ashore by the two houses on the foreshore for my snack before stating the exciting beat back. This was probably the best part of the day, railed up in both beating straps with the wind gusting over 20 knots, the only thing missing was the sunshine! It only took a couple of tacks to make it back to the launch beach with the car park now full with loads out mainly foiling but it was still pretty on/off for everyone! I continued up past Mistley Quay, finally turning just past Manningtree sailing club for a few nice reaches back before returning to the van for dinner. The tide was now dropping and it looked like the wind had picked up again so had another hour doing long runs with some sun now too before calling it a day having been on the water for 4 hours covering 44 miles not too bad considering now gusty it was! The road was clear for the journey home and then got some good news the Grandson is coming up for the weekend, we have only seen him once this year and they know the dickhead with the air rifle, I only hope the police can sort that twat out!

Photo Album Here

Toys Used:
Fanatic Mega Cat 380 III 380
Tushingham Lightning 8.5
Gull Vortex large



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